My New Videos At
Well I finally found some time in my busy schedule to produce some videos for the front of my site. I've had some ideas running around in my head for a few months. But the truth is that I just [...]
Well I finally found some time in my busy schedule to produce some videos for the front of my site. I've had some ideas running around in my head for a few months. But the truth is that I just [...]
How do we get in the zone? This is a fitting topic to talk about in my latest blog as it's something that I've found incredibly difficult to do the last two days whilst trying to qualify for my latest [...]
This is part 1 of a 3-part series on building a powerful and consistent golf swing: Part 1 - [You Are Here] How To Load The Club During The Back Swing Part 2 - Foot Pressure In The Golf [...]
Well let's just say it was a bad day at the office! Or more honestly, just how out of my league I was. I so desperately want to be part of these guys club that I definitely over thought and [...]
I'm proud of a lot of things I've achieved in my life so far. I moved to another country I've coached thousands of people I've given over 15,000 lessons (approximately) I worked under a Top 100 Instructor for 5 years [...]
I've always viewed the golf swing as an aggressive artistic style move. Therefore we need some kind of a rhythm to go with the movement. A kind of internal music that goes along with the move we are making. Here's [...]
Sometimes the simple drills are the best. Yesterday I was hitting balls during my technical practice time and was working on keeping my spine angle through the shot. This is something I have to work on as I have a [...]
Of course when I say bacon strip divots I mean nice shallow divots that occur after the ball has been struck. To do this we need to accomplish a few things on the downswing. Firstly, we need the club on [...]
If I had a dollar every time I heard the phrase "You brought your head up" or "Keep your head down" I'd be a few grand richer. These are the kind of phrases that 25 handicappers pass on to other [...]
We all know that the weight has to be forward/on the front leg at impact. What many people struggle with understanding is how to ensure the weight is on the front side at impact. This article will help you understand [...]