Troy Matteson is a Two time winner on the PGA Tour and works on his golf swing with Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer.
Let’s start with the basics:
His right leg Straightens (a little)
and his left leg Bends
during the backswing.
This produces a right hip that is higher than the left hip at the top of his swing. And his tailbone moves significantly towards the target.
the perfect lower body action in the golf swing
To watch my tailbone drill click here
The idea of starting with a little weight forward and slowly moving more weight forward (counterbalancing) not only happens with the irons but also with the woods.
As long as the ball is positioned more under the left shoulder (the center of the swing) and you’re still trying to HIT OUT at the ball, you’ll be fine!
The real issue lies in the functionality of the move to produce the correct weight transfer. As most golfers “sway” their hips laterally – away from the target to try and load the weight into their right leg.
Remember, there’s a big difference between what you feel, and what is real! You should always feel a gradual increase in pressure under the left (forward) foot. But in reality, because the right leg is straightening and also increasing pressure under the right foot, many people still actually have a little more weight under their right foot. Even though they are trying to increase the pressure under the left foot.
You don’t find any Pros on Tour nowadays “swaying” or laterally moving their hips. Some still prefer to load into the right leg and then into the left, and that’s fine. Each to their own. But what must happen is a “Thrusting” or “Driving” of the hips towards the target to initiate the downswing. This then produces more weight under the front foot.
And as long as your feet are “Rooted” into the ground, you can use the ground to push down and then push up off!
Feel free to leave a comment or question.
Looks like classic Stack & Tilt method to me…
Of course it is Don. And a great example of it. Don’t get caught up with all the negative speak out there about Mike Bennett and Andy Plummers system. These guys are extremely knowledgeable.
There are people who like and embrace change. Generally because they think something can be done more effectively and efficiently. And people who don’t like change. These are generally the people who feel threatened by anything new because it would effect them, their nice patterns and their livelihood.
I personally like change. I’m an optomist, a futurist, a life hacker, a bio hacker, and if I find out there’s an easier way of doing something, I want to know more about it. I’ve been following these guys for a few years now and honestly Don, they are two of the best out there. If you haven’t read their book, I highly recommend it. It’s eye opening.
I believe they came up with the name “Stack and Tilt” from one of their students Charlie Wi. I guess because he kept getting told to “stack” the weight on the front leg. And “Tilt” the spine throughout the swing. This is a great way of describing how to keep the head nice and steady. Or the center of the shoulders as they like to call it.
Sean Foley (who actually thanks these guys at the start of his DVD for all he’s learned from them)
Martin Chuck
Mark Evershed
are a few others I’d recommend following as they teach a modern swing.
Do you not agree this is a more effective and efficient way of moving the body Don?
Life hacker, and bio hacker. classic!
James, thank you for the great reminder about change and being opened minded to it. Personally, I get worn out from “purists” and those who cater to them. Keep up the good work.
Well said Dave!
Hi James, I have tried this drill with head cover but looking on rear view at top of backswing my left hip is higher then my right, what am I doing wrong ?
Hi Mark, sounds like your knees are not changing flex properly. The trail knee straightens, the lead knee flex’s during the backswing..