Project Description


I think you do a great job of getting the club back down on plane. But there are a few key points/trigger words you can use to make your swing more efficient.

Shoulder down: By moving your shoulder down more in the takeaway, you’ll be able to tilt left more and stay centered.

Hands In: move your hands in more during the takeaway. this will allow your hands and club head to move around on a circle.

Arms straight: Try and feel as though your arms are made from steel rods. You need to feel as though your hands are always pushing away from your body. This will get you in a much better position at the top.

straighten your right leg: This will allow your right hip to turn higher than your left so your hips can turn on a tilted angle to stay centered. Your hips and shoulders turn ‘to level’ to the ground.

Impact: At impact your right wrist/hand should be BENT and your left should be FLAT. This will allow your shaft to lean forward and compress the ball more.

Drill: Practice the ‘flying wedge’ drill attached. This will train your hands how to operate through the impact zone.