Project Description

Brian, nice move. But your centers are moving to far to the right for you to be consistent in your ball striking. The stack and tilt basic no 1 is – Hit the ground in the same spot past the ball EVERY time. You are going to find this difficult when your upper and lower body centers move laterally to the right.

Key points:

– keep more weight forward, and keep your left foot planted on the ground. Also turn your toes and knees out.

– Straighten right knee and flex left knee more. This will allow your pelvis to turn on a tilted angle. You want to feel your right hip move higher than your left on your backswing.

– Once your lower body is able to function better you’ll be able to tilt, turn and extend your spine. Basically feel as though your spine is tilting to the left more on your backswing. Ala, the ELK (steve elkington) drill.

Once you feel you’ve made significant changes in these areas, send me another few videos and I’ll upload your next lesson. Also, watch and practice the drills attached as they relate to your problem areas.