A good routine starts with making the right decisions. Where is the wind blowing? What kind of stance do you have? What kind of lie? Where do you want to hit the ball on the green? Distance to the pin? etc.

There are lots of decisions to make before you even pull the club out of the bag. But once you do, it really all comes down to this..

See It, Feel It, Do it

You want to see the shot in your minds eye. This means vizualising yourself hitting the ball to the intended target. This is your mental rehearsal.

You also want to feel how you’re going to do it. This is a deliberate practice swing, putting your attention in the places it needs to be. If you’re working on keeping your trail arm pinching against your torso and bowing your lead wrist during your downsing – this is what you’ll be switching on during your practice swing. This is your physical rehearsal.

I could go on for hours, as it’s a complex topic.

But I recently hit record during one of my lessons with Landon, so he can start incorporating something into his game.
