A few years ago when I started my blog, I dabbled in the art of video making. Back then, I wasn’t married, didn’t have kids, and golf was literally my life!
I had lots of time to teach, play, write, think, etc. Now, not so much. But I wouldn’t trade my new life for the world.

Ben & Jack – Future PGA Tour stars….
Nowadays, most of the videos I make go straight into the members area of the site. I’m answering members questions or creating new video courses that answer a specific question or problem someone has posed.
However, some of the videos that I made a few years ago are still on YouTube. And one in particular has recently reached over 100K views.

This one video alone has led to me helping hundreds of new golfers around the world!
It’s not an easy thing to grasp – making video. To be honest, I’d much prefer to write than anything else. It’s easier. But, that’s the cowards way out I say…
The truth is, nobody is good at making videos when they start out. But the more you do it, the better you become.
You become what you practice
I’m very grateful to everyone who consumes my content and gives me some praise and positive feedback, and even more so when they throw a few shillings my way for a product or service I offer. If you haven’t watched this video yet, here it is again. It’s a couple of years old now, but the info is still solid. Enjoy.
What do you think of these two “feels” to accomplish both the steep angle going back and the shallowing going down.
First: Keep the clubhead outside of the hands going back and get the clubhead in back of the hands in transition and through the early part of the backswing?
Second: At the top, feel the left wrist rotate so that it faces the sky? Obviously, it doesn’t rotate that much, but feel that it’s moving in that direction. Hold it their and then rotate aggressively through the impact.
Hi Kevin, I like the first one. If the second one relates to ‘bowing’ your lead wrist, then yes you’re right on track.