When I was growing up, back in the old country.. I was told by EVERY single Pro and every good player to shift my weight.

This is how we produce power they said..

You have to get over your right side


brace with your right leg and get over your right side

I was actually told once to “get my chest over my right knee“..

I’ve since learned all this information is incorrect. Yes, the club moves away from the target, and then back towards the target to strike the ball..

Yes, the majority of pressure under out feet move from one foot to other. To our trail foot going back and then to our lead foot coming down.

But what shouldn’t move away from target is the body – and the movement of the body is governed by two central points

The center of the shouldersThat governs upper body movement


The center of the hipsThat governs lower body/hip movement

If you look at the majority of the best players throughout history, they have actually moved their hips closer to the target at the top of the swing. While keeping their head pretty steady.

Because their hips have moved closer to the target, their weight (mass) has actually moved towards the target – not away..

Mr Hogan

Mr Palmer

Mr Nicklaus

Image from GolfTec SwingTru Motion Study

Golftec have really jumped on board with this information and have illustrated the findings through the SwingTru Motion Study.

So with this info, we can categorically say that the weight should move progressively forward during the swing. Basically, the center of the hips move a little closer to the target at the top and then slide/sway even closer to the target throughout the downswing and throughswing.

So What Changes Direction?

What changes direction is the pressure under the feet..

Halfway back – push down more under your trail foot

Halfway down – push as hard as you can under your lead foot

Really want to improve your swing? Start Jump training or Plyometrics.. It’s a great way to improve your performance while also getting fit in the process..

You start to improve your ability to push down into the ground, from one foot the other..

..and once you become more competent at that task you can start to incorporate the feeling into your swing.

Namely, the change of direction. It starts from the ground up!

..And you should already be settling back under your lead foot by the time the club reaches the top of the swing.

Watch the video below where I outline the process.